iQ3Connect Blog

Digital TransformationsThrough Realtime VR Collaboration

Product Version 2020.9.2 Release Updates

Posted by Colin Bloor on 9/30/20 7:54 AM

Major Productivity Enhancements

Enhanced Multimedia Functionality:

  • Users are now offered more flexibility in the display and visualization of Multimedia, such as images, videos, and pdfs.
  • Multimedia can be minimized so that only a small icon is displayed. Additionally, pdfs can now be opened in a separate browser tab for improved usability and readability for desktop users
  • Images can also be uploaded to the Dashboard and tagged to a specific model. This allows images from outside the iQ3 environment to be imported into the iQ3 Workspace

Additional Usability Enhancements

  • Clicking and holding on the left mouse button for a short period will no longer be considered a left click
  • Presenter given more control over whiteboard features
  • Scenes/Sessions/Environments can be set to public (shared with all users) or private

Bug Fixes

All issues below are now resolved:

  • PDFs not displaying when multiple PDFs are inserted
  • Model cache info not updating
  • Instance cache bugs
  • Model tree issues with volumes not showing and inconsistent behaviour for instances
  • Scene does not load floor texture or Group hide/show status
  • Teleport not disabled when in follow presenter mode
  • Zooming causes certain features to activate
  • Quick meeting time is not updated after editing

Topics: Product Updates

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