IQ3Connect Blog

iQ3Connect introduction and our view on remote work in COVID times

Written by Ali Merchant | 7/15/20 5:20 PM

Companies today have distributed teams who need to come together for critical design reviews or training requirements on a regular basis. In the present situation, and the foreseeable future, the ability to meet face to face is not going to be possible. The current document level collaboration and screen sharing solutions are not sufficient to make the right decisions, especially for workflows involving complex 3D product data, creating bottlenecks within product development, manufacturing, and training for a growing remote workforce. Immersive collaboration is the right approach, but needs to be scalable, easy to use, and well-integrated into the business process for true enterprise adoption. iQ3Connect meets those requirements and is accelerating the adoption of VR at our enterprise customers for their complex product engineering and training needs.

iQ3Connect provides a virtual reality collaboration platform that empowers individuals and teams anywhere in the world to meet, work, interact and train together with complex 3D data in secure 3D workspaces. Users are applying iQ3Connect to meet digital transformation initiatives in the product development life cycle to bring products faster to market in an environmentally sustainable way. Our users are using iQ3Connect solutions to efficiently manage all touchpoints and interactions for their Employees, Customers and Suppliers. VR/AR/XR collaboration provides the next generation of productivity and efficiency gains over traditional communication tools, and is an integral part of any digital transformation initiative. 

At iQ3Connect we are passionately building a 3D immersive collaboration platform that helps innovative companies achieve that digital transformation. Founded in 2017, our team includes a deep bench of successful industrial software professionals from ANSYS, Oracle, ESI, and MIT. iQ3Connect came out of the research and startup ecosystem at MIT.